Ladies! Emotional Abuse in A Christian Marriage

Emotional Abuse is a particularly risky topic in Christian marriages and Christians are less likely to discuss this. This is due to the biblical dynamics of submission versus love, often the message is you must submit to your husband no mater how horribly he’s treating you..

What is emotional abuse:, it is a pattern of behaviors that people use to establish dominance in their relationships. It’s about having power and control over another human being, not about their faith or status in church, or their bank account, or their prominence in society ..

Ladies ! 10 Signs that may show that you are in an emotionally abusive relationship
1. There is no room for disagreement with your spouse, you’re always wrong
2. You feel confused, vulnerable, trapped, and worthless and it seems you’re just not good enough
3. Your spouse often shuts down emotionally when upset, and goes of on long seasons of silent treatment and deprives you of affection
4. Your spouse often tells you God has instructed them to take a retreat or a break away from you
5. Your spouse appears very gentle, kind and good on the outside and would never hurt a fly but behind closed doors they shame you with guilt, burden you with subtle words of inadequacy, and make you feel unworthy of love by the distance created by their lack of communication and physical affection.
6. Your spouse is very devoted in church and to others but often has very little time for you and family life

Speak up, Speak Out, Assert Yourself, Break the Cycle and change the manner in which you have always responded. Let your spouse know this is no longer acceptable by not giving in to the pattern. Seek for help.. Your Destiny is worth much more.

Lifeconsults Inc.. Free Christian Counseling and Coaching available 8479439238 / email
photo courtesy: Photo by Witthaya Phonsawat

Photocourtesy: Photo by Witthaya Phonsawat.
Photocourtesy: Photo by Witthaya Phonsawat.

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